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The papers presented at the Bellagio Conference are available here. Click on “view paper” following each citation to see it in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. Click on “download presentation slides” to copy the accompanying PowerPoint presentation to your computer. If you do not have the free Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer, click here to download it.

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I. What Has Happened?
II. Speed of Change; Biology; Political Setting
III. Program and Policy Issues
IV. Bellagio Declaration

Popkin, Barry M. (2002). “An overview on the nutrition transition and its health implications: The Bellagio meeting.” Public Health Nutrition 5(1A):93-103. view paper

I. What Has Happened? What are some unique elements of the shifts in diet, activity, obesity, and other measures of morbidity and mortality in each region of the world?Latin America

Monteiro, Carlos A., Wolney L. Conde, and Barry M. Popkin. (2002). “Is obesity replacing or adding to under-nutrition? Evidence from different social classes in Brazil.” Public Health Nutrition 5(1A):105-112. view paperdownload presentation slides

Rivera, Juan A., Simon Barquera, Fabricio Campirano, Ismael Campos, Margarita Safdie, and Victor Tovar. (2002). “Epidemiological and nutritional transition in Mexico: rapid increase of non-communicable chronic diseases and obesity.” Public Health Nutrition 5(1A):113-122. view paperdownload presentation slides

Albala, Cecilia, Fernando Vio, Juliana Kain, and Ricardo Uauy. (2002). “Nutrition transition in Chile: determinants and consequences.” Public Health Nutrition 5(1A):123-128. view paperdownload presentation slides

Rodríguez-Ojea, Arturo, S.J. Santa Acosta, A. Berdasco, M. Esquivel. (2002). “The nutrition transition in Cuba in the nineties: an overview.” Public Health Nutrition 5(1A):129-133. view paperdownload presentation slides

North Africa/Middle East/West Asia

Benjelloun, Sabah. (2002). “Nutritional transition in Morocco.” Public Health Nutrition 5(1A):135-140. view paperdownload presentation slides

Galal, Osman M. (2002). “The nutrition transition in Egypt: obesity, undernutrition and the food consumption context.” Public Health Nutrition 5(1A):141-148. view paperdownload presentation slides

Ghassemi, Hossein, Gail Harrison, Kazem Mohammad, and Ahmed Ali Nour Balaa. (2002). “An accelerated nutrition transition in Iran.” Public Health Nutrition 5(1A):149-155. view paperdownload presentation slides

Sub-Saharan Africa

Bourne, Lesley T., Estelle V. Lambert, and Krisela Steyn. (2002). “Where does the black population of South Africa stand on the nutrition transition?” Public Health Nutrition 5(1A):157-162. view paperdownload presentation slides

Maletnlema, Tumsifu N. (2002). “A Tanzanian perspective on the nutrition transition and its implications for health.” Public Health Nutrition 5(1A):163-168. view paperdownload presentation slides


Du, Shufa, Bing Lu, Fengying Zhai, and Barry M. Popkin. (2002). “A new stage of the nutrition transition in China.” Public Health Nutrition 5(1A):169-174. view paperdownload presentation slides

Shetty, Prakash S. (2002). “Nutrition transition in India.” Public Health Nutrition 5(1A):175-182. view paperdownload presentation slides

Kosulwat, Vongsvat. (2002). “The nutrition and health transition in Thailand.” Public Health Nutrition 5(1A):183-189. view paperdownload presentation slides

Noor, Mohd Ismail. (2002). “The nutrition and health transition in Malaysia.” Public Health Nutrition 5(1A):191-195. view paperdownload presentation slides

Lee, Min-June, Barry M. Popkin, and Soowon Kim. (2002). “The unique aspects of the nutrition transition in South Korea: the retention of healthful elements in their traditional diet.” Public Health Nutrition 5(1A):197-203. view paperdownload presentation slides

II. What Is Unique about the Experience in Lower- and Middle-Income, Less-Industrialized Countries Compared with the Very High-income, Industrialized Countries?Speed of Change, Biology, Political Setting

Popkin, Barry M. (2002). “The shift in stages of the nutrition transition in the developing world differs from past experiences!” Public Health Nutrition 5(1A):205-214. view paperdownload presentation slides

Under/Over Nutrition Issues

Doak, Colleen, Linda S. Adair, Margaret E. Bentley, Fengying Zhai, and Barry M. Popkin. (2002). “The underweight/overweight household: an exploration of household socio-demographic and dietary factors in China.” Public Health Nutrition 5(1A):215-221. view paperdownload presentation slides

Uauy, Ricardo, and Juliana Kain. (2002). “The epidemiological transition: need to incorporate obesity prevention into nutrition programmes.” Public Health Nutrition 5(1A):223-229. view paper

Are There Unique Points About the CVD Epidemic to Consider?

Reddy, K. Srinath. (2002). “Cardiovascular diseases in the developing countries: dimensions, determinants, dynamics, and directions for public health action.” Public Health Nutrition 5(1A):231-237. view paper

Vorster, Hester H. (2002). “The emergence of cardiovascular disease during urbanisation of Africans.” Public Health Nutrition 5(1A):239-243. view paperdownload presentation slides

III. Can We Turn Back the Clock or Modify the Adverse Dynamics?Program and Policy Issues

Puska, Pekka, Pirjo Pietinen, and Ulla Uusitalo. (2002). “Influencing public nutrition for noncommunicable disease prevention: from community intervention to national programme—experiences from Finland.” Public Health Nutrition 5(1A):245-251. view paper

Matsudo, Victor, Sandra Matsudo, Douglas Andrade, Timoteo Araujo, Erinaldo Andrade, Luis Carlos de Oliveria, and Glaucia Braggion. (2002). “Promotion of physical activity in a developing country: The Agita São Paulo experience.” Public Health Nutrition 5(1A):253-261. view paperdownload presentation slides

Coitinho, Denise, Carlos A. Monteiro, and Barry M. Popkin. (2002). “What Brazil is doing to promote healthy diets and active lifestyles.” Public Health Nutrition 5(1A):263-267. view paperdownload presentation slides

Zhai, Fengying, Dawei Fu, Shufa Du, Keyou Ge, Chunming Chen, and Popkin, Barry M. (2002). “What is China doing in policy-making to push back the negative aspects of the nutrition transition?” Public Health Nutrition 5(1A):269-273. view paperdownload presentation slides

Doak, Colleen. (2002). “Large-scale interventions and programmes addressing nutrition-related chronic diseases and obesity: examples from 14 countries.” Public Health Nutrition 5(1A):275-277. view paper

IV. The Bellagio Declaration

“The Bellagio Declaration.” Public Health Nutrition 5(1A):279-80. view paper

The Bellagio Declaration (Chinese-language translation). view paper