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Dr. Popkin is a strong advocate of labeling foods as healthy or unhealthy.  In the process this approach should certify levels of added sodium add sugars, whole grains, transfats, saturated fats, and total kcals that should be consumed in each food group for each food to be considered healthful.  It should also act as an incentive to create a healthier set of foods for the food industries of the globe. He is a member of a global scientific committee and also the scientific advisory group for the Minister of Health, Mexico.

There are a number of contentious issues that fit under this topic. They range from the use of artificial fibers, which have no nutritional value and hide the foods of critical phytochemicals and other elements when grains are overly milled to excessive use of unhealthful caloric sweeteners, fats and oils. 

Dr. Popkin is a member of the Scientific Committee of Choices International Foundation