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Barry Popkin has had a long collaboration with Professor Carlos Monteiro and a more recent shorter one with Professor Rosangela Pereira.  Professor Carlos Montiero and his team at the University of São Paulo, Center for Epidemiological Studies in Health and Nutrition, have completed a set of studies with Barry Popkin on the Brazilian Nutrition Transition90,30*, obesity trends and dynamics254,223,222,216,201,212,161,164,143,130,141, and program and policy issues386,389,352,156 These investigations have documented the changes in body composition patterns related to under- and over-nutrition, shifts of the burden of obesity toward the poor and less educated in Brazil, and work by the government to prevent obesity. These studies continue.  With Professor Pereira, Department of Social and Applied Nutrition, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, he conducted several studies with the first national dietary survey conducted in Brazil.436,371,375


Professor Juan Rivera, Director of the Nutrition and Health Research Center, National Institute of Public Health; and Professor Simon Barquera, Director of Research on Nutrition, Epidemiology Division, National Institute of Public Health, have begun a series of collaborations, many with the Ministry of Health, Mexico. These initiatives include studies on the nutrition transition in Mexico50*, membership on the Mexican Ministry of Health’s Beverage Guidance Panel and a large series of related papers on beverage patterns and trends in Mexico, 276,274,53*,312,418, other dietary research related to dietary behavior and change in Mexico334,435, a large random controlled trial on wáter and health (led by Dr. Sonia Rodriquez)59*,438, work on front-of-the-package labeling in Mexico, and new work policy research on Mexican nutrition. Joint survey research is planned for the future.