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Unemployment in Russia: forced or voluntary

Monusova, Galina A. (2001). Unemployment in Russia: forced or voluntary. Voprosy Ekonomiki, 9, 113-29.

Monusova, Galina A. (2001). Unemployment in Russia: forced or voluntary. Voprosy Ekonomiki, 9, 113-29.

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Analyzes unemployment in Russia from 1992-2000, drawing on survey data from the State Committee on Statistics in Russia & the U of North Carolina's Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey. Rates of employment are reported to have significantly declined during the reformist 1990s in Russia, but the decline has been produced mostly by the growth of inactive (those out of work & not looking for employment) rather then unemployed (those out of work & actively looking for employment) populations. It is suggested that policymakers should not disregard the inactive population since the latter has potentially strong influences on the labor market. 6 Tables. V. Oboronko


Monusova, Galina A.


Voprosy Ekonomiki


