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Family and fertility in Poland – changes during the transition period

Frątczak, Ewa. (2004). Family and fertility in Poland – changes during the transition period. PIE Discussion Paper.

Frątczak, Ewa. (2004). Family and fertility in Poland – changes during the transition period. PIE Discussion Paper.

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Poland like other East European Countries experienced a lot of changes in course of demographic processes during the transition period. I this paper the main concern is put on presentation and evaluation of family and fertility changes during the transition period, ie,.
years 1989 – 2001. The evaluation of changes in Poland is presented in comparison to the selected European Countries. The paper trys to give answer to the following questions: . How has fertility changed in Poland?; How have family formation and dissolution changed
in Poland?; Have the observed changes in the patterns of fertility, family formation and dissolution had an effect on family life cycle in Poland? How should the changes in fertility patterns and the family model be assessed and interpreted?; How is Poland ranking in Europe with her changes in fertility and family?; What are the main problems concerning the family and fertility, which can and should be topics for further discussion in Poland?


Frątczak, Ewa


PIE Discussion Paper