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The well-being and the decisions of farm households: the uses of cross-country comparisons

Gundersen, Craig. (2002). The well-being and the decisions of farm households: the uses of cross-country comparisons. Workshop on the Farm Household-Firm Unit: Its importance in agriculture and implications for statistics. Wye Campus Imperial College, University of London.

Gundersen, Craig. (2002). The well-being and the decisions of farm households: the uses of cross-country comparisons. Workshop on the Farm Household-Firm Unit: Its importance in agriculture and implications for statistics. Wye Campus Imperial College, University of London.

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Policies involving agriculture require information about production of commodities and about the firms that produce them. Understanding the behaviour of the family-firm is central to many issues and increasingly relevant as objectives evolve and the pluriactive nature of farm households is recognised. Policy reform is likely to concentrate interest on the welfare of the agricultural household and the various sources of income that accrue to it. However, statistics that have the household-firm at their centre are poorly developed compared with those on agricultural activity. Reasons are explored and opportunities identified to correct this imbalance.


Workshop on the Farm Household-Firm Unit: Its importance in agriculture and implications for statistics

Gundersen, Craig



Wye Campus Imperial College, University of London