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An analysis of gender wage differentials in Russia from 1996-2002

Hansberry, Rita. (2004). An analysis of gender wage differentials in Russia from 1996-2002. William Davidson Institute Working Paper No. 720.

Hansberry, Rita. (2004). An analysis of gender wage differentials in Russia from 1996-2002. William Davidson Institute Working Paper No. 720.

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This paper examined the male-female differentials in hourly earnings in Russia from 1996 to 2002. The gender wage gap did not alter significantly in the earlier years, a period characterized by economic instability, but as the economy recovered, the differential in earnings increased initially. This trend reversed in 2002 and while the gender wage gap in mean earnings fell to its previous level the differential increased at the lower percentiles. Throughout all years, most of the gender wage differential is accounted for by differences in rewards rather than differences in observable characteristics. Occupational segregation continues to be a salient feature of the labor market with women clustered in professional, clerical and service occupations while men are more predominantly employed in blue-collar jobs.


Hansberry, Rita


William Davidson Institute Working Paper No. 720