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Overweight and obesity (high body mass index)

James, W. Philip T. James; Jackson-Leach, Rachel; Mhurchu, Cliona Ni; Kalamara, Eleni; Shayeghi, Maryam; Rigby, Neville J.; Nishida, Chizuru; & Rodgers, Anthony. (2004). Overweight and obesity (high body mass index). In Ezzati, Majid, Lopez, Alan D., Murray, Christopher J.L. & Rodgers, Anthony (Eds.), Comparative Quantification of Health Risks (pp. 497-596). Geneva: World Health Organization Geneva.

James, W. Philip T. James; Jackson-Leach, Rachel; Mhurchu, Cliona Ni; Kalamara, Eleni; Shayeghi, Maryam; Rigby, Neville J.; Nishida, Chizuru; & Rodgers, Anthony. (2004). Overweight and obesity (high body mass index). In Ezzati, Majid, Lopez, Alan D., Murray, Christopher J.L. & Rodgers, Anthony (Eds.), Comparative Quantification of Health Risks (pp. 497-596). Geneva: World Health Organization Geneva.

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It is widely acknowledged that being overweight is associated with an
amplified risk of disease, particularly if body fat is deposited within the
abdomen, as suggested by a high waist-circumference measurement. This
chapter aims to estimate the burden of disease attributable to overweight
and obesity as indicated by a high body mass index (BMI), by age, sex
and subregion.
Current trends were used to predict the increases in BMI and disease
burden that are likely to occur by 2030, assuming that no new measures
are taken to counteract the rapid recent increases in body weight in all
parts of the world. On this basis, it is predicted that the burden of disease
will increase substantially in most parts of the world, but there will probably
be remarkable variations by subregion.


Comparative Quantification of Health Risks

James, W. Philip T. James
Jackson-Leach, Rachel
Mhurchu, Cliona Ni
Kalamara, Eleni
Shayeghi, Maryam
Rigby, Neville J.
Nishida, Chizuru
Rodgers, Anthony

Ezzati, Majid
Lopez, Alan D.
Murray, Christopher J.L.
Rodgers, Anthony



World Health Organization Geneva
