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Adding five Latin American datasets to the Luxembourg Income Study (LIS) Database: data assessment and first comparative results

Gornick, Janet C.; Jäntti, Markus; & Leguizamón, Amalia. (2009). Adding five Latin American datasets to the Luxembourg Income Study (LIS) Database: data assessment and first comparative results. Luxembourg Income Study technical paper series No. 3. European Union.

Gornick, Janet C.; Jäntti, Markus; & Leguizamón, Amalia. (2009). Adding five Latin American datasets to the Luxembourg Income Study (LIS) Database: data assessment and first comparative results. Luxembourg Income Study technical paper series No. 3. European Union.

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The purpose of this report – prepared on the eve of the public release of these datasets – is twofold: (1) to present the results of an assessment/validation exercise of these five datasets and (2) to report a first set of substantive comparative results. In Section 2, we provide some contextual information about Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala, Uruguay, and Peru. We present data from these five countries on both levels and recent trends vis-à-vis selected macroeconomic, demographic and labor market outcomes. In Section 3, we present the results of a validation exercise – in which we compare estimates of national-level outcomes based on macro-data from a variety of country-specific and supranational sources with estimates generated from the five newly-harmonized micro-datasets. These micro-macro comparisons will include indicators that capture household income from market sources, household taxes paid, household expenditures, receipt of social transfers, and selected labor market outcomes. For each, we will present a comparison of the micro and macro (or more generally, external) estimate. In Section 4, we present a first set of substantive cross-national comparative results, including a number of key indicators: income inequality, inequality of expenditures, poverty outcomes, labor market outcomes. In Section 5, we summarize our conclusions and close with recommendations and warnings for researchers using these datasets. Results from these five Latin American datasets are compared with those from a selection of 15 diverse countries in the LIS archive:
• three Anglophone countries (the Canada, the US, the UK);
• three Continental European countries (France, Germany, Luxembourg);
• three Southern European countries (Greece, Italy, Spain);
• two Eastern European countries (Czech Republic, Poland);
• two Nordic countries (Sweden, Finland); and
• for regional diversity, Israel and Mexico.


Luxembourg Income Study technical paper series No. 3

Gornick, Janet C.
Jäntti, Markus
Leguizamón, Amalia


European Union