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Determinants of job stability in East Germany and Russia: a comparative analysis using micro panel data

Karabchuk, Tatiana S.; & Krause, Alexandra. (2013). Determinants of job stability in East Germany and Russia: a comparative analysis using micro panel data. Публикации, 471-81.

Karabchuk, Tatiana S.; & Krause, Alexandra. (2013). Determinants of job stability in East Germany and Russia: a comparative analysis using micro panel data. Публикации, 471-81.

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Job plays one of the most important roles in every day life. It is even more important to have stable job with regular payment. Many developed and developing countries have been watching a constant decline of stable jobs during the last 20 years.

The first reasons for job stability growth/decline are economic changes and institutional background. Both Russia and East Germany experienced transformational processes to the market economy in the beginning of 1990s; great work reallocation has been a key concern for both countries throughout the early 90s as well as new setting of the institutional background. The two countries had much in common before the reforms started: they both were planned economies with almost 100% employment, stable work places and rigid mobility. Nevertheless each of them went its own way through all the changes.


Karabchuk, Tatiana S.
Krause, Alexandra


