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The incidence and cost of job loss in the Ukrainian labor market

Lehmann, Hartmut; Pignatti, Norberto; & Wadsworth, Jonathan. (2006). The incidence and cost of job loss in the Ukrainian labor market. Journal of Comparative Economics, 34(2), 248-271.

Lehmann, Hartmut; Pignatti, Norberto; & Wadsworth, Jonathan. (2006). The incidence and cost of job loss in the Ukrainian labor market. Journal of Comparative Economics, 34(2), 248-271.

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We examine the effects of economic transition on the pattern and costs of worker displacement in Ukraine, using the Ukrainian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (ULMS) for the years 1992 to 2002. Displacement rates in the Ukrainian labor market average between 2.8 and 5.1 percent of employment, roughly in line with levels typically observed in several Western economies. The risk of displacement was spread broadly across the population through both recession and growth periods. Around one third of displaced workers find re-employment immediately while the majority continues in long-term non-employment. The wage costs of displacement for the sub-sample of displaced workers do not seem to be large. The main cost for displaced workers in Ukraine consists in the extremely long non-employment spell that the average worker experiences after layoff.


Lehmann, Hartmut
Pignatti, Norberto
Wadsworth, Jonathan


Journal of Comparative Economics




