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Education, inequality and transition

Micklewright, John. (1999). Education, inequality and transition. Economics of Transition, 7(2), 343-376.

Micklewright, John. (1999). Education, inequality and transition. Economics of Transition, 7(2), 343-376.

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I consider evidence on differences in access to education and in learning achievement within the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. The situation inherited from the communist period is first summarized: there were some significant disparities with, for example, family background having a strong association with tertiary enrolments, as in Western countries. Analysis of the transition period focuses on differences in access and achievement associated with household income and geographic location. Disparities are not the same across the region; in some countries, such as Russia, there are clear grounds for serious concern, but it is unlikely that any country has cause for complacency.


Micklewright, John


Economics of Transition




