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The fiscal impact of demographic change in ten Latin American countries: projecting public expenditures in education, health, and pensions

Miller, Tim; Mason, Carl; & Holz, Mauricio. (2010). The fiscal impact of demographic change in ten Latin American countries: projecting public expenditures in education, health, and pensions. In Cotlear, Daniel (Ed.), Population aging: is Latin America ready? (pp. 233-270). Washington DC: The World Bank.

Miller, Tim; Mason, Carl; & Holz, Mauricio. (2010). The fiscal impact of demographic change in ten Latin American countries: projecting public expenditures in education, health, and pensions. In Cotlear, Daniel (Ed.), Population aging: is Latin America ready? (pp. 233-270). Washington DC: The World Bank.

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Latin America and the Caribbean will soon face the challenges of an aging population. This process, which took over a century in the rich world, will occur in two or three decades in the developing world; seven of the 25 countries that will age more rapidly are in LAC. Population aging will pose challenges and offer opportunities. This book explores three sets of issues. First is a group of issues related to the support of the aging and poverty in the life cycle. This covers questions of work and retirement, income and wealth, and living arrangements and intergenerational transfers. It also explores the relation between the life cycle and poverty. Second is the question of the health transition. How does the demographic transition impact the health status of the population and the demand for health care? And how advanced is the health transition in LAC? Third is an understanding of the fiscal pressures that are likely to accompany population aging and to disentangle the role of demography from the role of policy in that process. This book provides an introduction to the concepts and techniques at the intersection of demography and economics. It summarizes the policy debate about potential reforms needed to make population aging an opportunity for development.


Population aging: is Latin America ready?

Miller, Tim
Mason, Carl
Holz, Mauricio

Cotlear, Daniel



The World Bank

Washington DC