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A microeconometric approach to the incentive effect of shortage on fertility

Mokhtari, Manouchehr; & Asgary, Nader. (2006). A microeconometric approach to the incentive effect of shortage on fertility. 10(1), 33-47.

Mokhtari, Manouchehr; & Asgary, Nader. (2006). A microeconometric approach to the incentive effect of shortage on fertility. 10(1), 33-47.

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This paper provides empirical evidence on the effects of quantity constraints on fertility. The results show that quantity constraints and fertility are positively related. Moreover, it is found that family earnings, male labor-force participation, and large living spaces positively affect fertility. However, divorced respondents appear to have fewer children. We also find that respondents who use birth control have more children.


Mokhtari, Manouchehr
Asgary, Nader




