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Evaluation of active labor market policies in Russia

Nivorozhkin, Anton. (2003). Evaluation of active labor market policies in Russia. SSRN Working Paper -id430961.

Nivorozhkin, Anton. (2003). Evaluation of active labor market policies in Russia. SSRN Working Paper -id430961.

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This is the first study to investigate the effects of Active Labor Market Programs in Russia. We use the individual level data from the Public Employment Office of Rostov-on-Don. The method of propensity score matching is applied to learn whether participation in the program increases the monthly salaries of individuals relative to the state where they do not participate in the training program. The findings suggest that the short-term effect of participation in the training program is positive. However, one year later this effect disappears.


Nivorozhkin, Anton


SSRN Working Paper -id430961