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A cellular automata simulation of the 1990s Russian housing privatization decision

Plotnikova, Maria; & Dridi, Chokri. (2010). A cellular automata simulation of the 1990s Russian housing privatization decision. Henley Business School Economics & Management Discussion Papers No. 2010-086.

Plotnikova, Maria; & Dridi, Chokri. (2010). A cellular automata simulation of the 1990s Russian housing privatization decision. Henley Business School Economics & Management Discussion Papers No. 2010-086.

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The study uses a computational approach to study the phenomenon of housing privatization in Russia in the 1990s. As part of the housing reform flats in multi-family buildings were offered to their residents free of payment. Nevertheless rapid mass housing privatization did not take place. While this outcome admits a number of explanations this analysis emphasizes the fact that the environment in which the decision-making households were operating had a high degree of uncertainty and imposed a high information-processing requirement on the decision-makers. Using the bounded rationality paradigm, the study builds a case for
a cellular automata simulation of household decision-making in the context of housing privatization reforms in Russia in the 1990s. Cellular automata is then used
to simulate a household’s decision to become the owner of its dwelling.


Plotnikova, Maria
Dridi, Chokri


Henley Business School Economics & Management Discussion Papers No. 2010-086