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Supplementary professional education in the strategies of working specialists, 1995 to 2005

Popova, Irina Petrovna. (2008). Supplementary professional education in the strategies of working specialists, 1995 to 2005. Russian Education & Society, 50(11), 36-58.

Popova, Irina Petrovna. (2008). Supplementary professional education in the strategies of working specialists, 1995 to 2005. Russian Education & Society, 50(11), 36-58.

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The article investigates the significance of supplementary professional education (SPE) as an element of the mechanism for the activization of Russia's intellectual potential from 1995-2005. Survey shows that SPE in the second half of the 1990s and the beginning years of the new century demonstrates an ambiguous character in terms of serving as a channel of professional mobility. It sets patterns of professional mobility that hardly changed at all over the span of 10 years. This may help retain the social and professional position of the people than to improve it very much in changing it fundamentally. It represents an effective mechanism of transformation and redistribution of different social and professional groups of the employed population.


Popova, Irina Petrovna


Russian Education & Society




