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Why work “off the books”? Community, household and individual determinants of informal economic activity in post-Soviet Russia

Southworth, Caleb; & Hormel, Leontina. (2004). Why work “off the books”? Community, household and individual determinants of informal economic activity in post-Soviet Russia. In McCann, Leo (Ed.), Russian transformations: challenging the global narrative (pp. 148-72). New York: RoutledgeCurzon.

Southworth, Caleb; & Hormel, Leontina. (2004). Why work “off the books”? Community, household and individual determinants of informal economic activity in post-Soviet Russia. In McCann, Leo (Ed.), Russian transformations: challenging the global narrative (pp. 148-72). New York: RoutledgeCurzon.

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The transition of Russia to a 'developed market economy' has been slower, more contradictory and less predictable than expected. This book examines contemporary Russian socio-economic development, and explores the degree to which Russian experiences can be incorporated into current social science theories. In particular, it questions how far the concept of 'globalization' is applicable to the situation in Russia.


Russian transformations: challenging the global narrative

BASEES/RoutledgeCurzon Series on Russian and East European Studies

Southworth, Caleb
Hormel, Leontina

McCann, Leo




New York