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Monitoring country progress in Eastern Europe and Eurasia

Sprout, Ron; & Melzig, Robyn. (2006). Monitoring country progress in Eastern Europe and Eurasia. USAID Working Paper Series on the Transition Countries No. 4.

Sprout, Ron; & Melzig, Robyn. (2006). Monitoring country progress in Eastern Europe and Eurasia. USAID Working Paper Series on the Transition Countries No. 4.

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This paper presents an abridged version of USAID/E&E’s 10th edition of its annual report which monitors country progress in the twenty-nine transition country region. The salient findings include: (1) 2005 progress in economic reforms in the transition region was comparable to the good pace of economic reforms in recent years.
(2) 2005 data show a continuation of the growing democratization gap between CEE and Eurasia that has been evident since the early transition years.
(3) The twenty nine transition countries generally fall into four fairly distinct reform groups: (a) Northern Tier CEE; (b) Southern Tier CEE; (c) Eurasian reformers; and (d) Eurasian non-reformers (Turkmenistan, Belarus, and Uzbekistan).
(4) Economic growth rates in the region
continue to exceed global norms, and within Eastern Europe and Eurasia, continue to be highest in Eurasia in large part due to favorable primary product trends. (5) Many social indicators continue to recover, apparently at least partly in response to improving economic conditions, including falling poverty and infant mortality rates, and rising real wages and education enrollment rates. (6) Yet many countries are (still) experiencing
increasing unemployment rates and the life expectancy gap between CEE and Eurasia continues to grow. (7) And some of the transition countries have among the highest crude death rates worldwide along with among the lowest fertility rates (and birth rates) worldwide.


Sprout, Ron
Melzig, Robyn


USAID Working Paper Series on the Transition Countries No. 4