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Attitudes toward intimate partner violence against women in Moscow, Russia

Stickley, Andrew; Kislitsyna, Olga; Timofeeva, Irina; & Vågerö, Denny. (2008). Attitudes toward intimate partner violence against women in Moscow, Russia. Journal of Family Violence, 23(6), 447-456.

Stickley, Andrew; Kislitsyna, Olga; Timofeeva, Irina; & Vågerö, Denny. (2008). Attitudes toward intimate partner violence against women in Moscow, Russia. Journal of Family Violence, 23(6), 447-456.

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This study examines attitudes towards violence against women among the populace in Moscow, Russia using data drawn from the Moscow Health Survey. Information was obtained from 1,190 subjects (510 men and 680 women) about their perceptions of whether violence against women was a serious problem in contemporary Russia, and under what circumstances they thought it was justifiable for a husband to hit his wife. Less than half the respondents thought violence was a serious problem, while for a small number of interviewees there were several scenarios where violence was regarded as being permissible against a wife. Being young, divorced or widowed, having financial difficulties, and regularly consuming alcohol were associated with attitudes more supportive of violence amongst men; having a low educational level underpinned supportive attitudes among both men and women. Results are discussed in terms of the public reemergence of patriarchal attitudes in Russia in the post-Soviet period.


Stickley, Andrew
Kislitsyna, Olga
Timofeeva, Irina
Vågerö, Denny


Journal of Family Violence




