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The Russian way of adjustment: mechanisms of economic growth in 1999–2001 and patterns of poverty and income distribution

Vorobyov, Alexander Y.; & Zhukov, Stanislav V. (2006). The Russian way of adjustment: mechanisms of economic growth in 1999–2001 and patterns of poverty and income distribution. In Taylor, Lance (Ed.), External liberalization in Asia, post-socialist Europe, and Brazil (pp. 346). Oxford University Press.

Vorobyov, Alexander Y.; & Zhukov, Stanislav V. (2006). The Russian way of adjustment: mechanisms of economic growth in 1999–2001 and patterns of poverty and income distribution. In Taylor, Lance (Ed.), External liberalization in Asia, post-socialist Europe, and Brazil (pp. 346). Oxford University Press.

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This chapter examines macroeconomic adjustment in Russia. It begins with a discussion of the basic indicators of the Russian growth regime and the driving forces behind economic growth. This is followed by an analysis of the fundamental characteristics of economic growth, decomposition of effective demand, short- and medium-term prospects, incomes, and inequality.


External liberalization in Asia, post-socialist Europe, and Brazil

Vorobyov, Alexander Y.
Zhukov, Stanislav V.

Taylor, Lance



Oxford University Press

