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Environmental protection in the Russian Federation: lessons and opportunities

Wernstedt, Kris. (2002). Environmental protection in the Russian Federation: lessons and opportunities. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 45(4), 493-516.

Wernstedt, Kris. (2002). Environmental protection in the Russian Federation: lessons and opportunities. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 45(4), 493-516.

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Environmental managers in Russia face severe problems, both from Soviet-era and continuing environmental degradation and due to the weakness of current institutions with responsibilities for environmental protection. This paper draws on surveys, a case study of water pollution and workshops on Russian environmental decision making to explore prospects for environmental improvements. Using concepts from the regulatory reform literature, it focuses on the use of market incentives, the construction of a civil society and community involvement, and emphasizes that Russian non-governmental organizations may have a particularly important role to play in improving environmental management. Solidifying their legal base, coalition-building skills and the capability to conduct independent, pragmatic policy analyses would enhance their contribution.


Wernstedt, Kris


Journal of Environmental Planning and Management




