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Adjustment of iron intake for dietary enhancers and inhibitors in population studies: bioavailable iron in rural and urban residing Russian women and children

Tseng, Marilyn; Chakraborty, Hrishikesh; Robinson, David T.; Mendez, Michelle; & Kohlmeier, Lenore. (1997). Adjustment of iron intake for dietary enhancers and inhibitors in population studies: bioavailable iron in rural and urban residing Russian women and children. Journal of Nutrition, 127(8), 1456-68.

Tseng, Marilyn; Chakraborty, Hrishikesh; Robinson, David T.; Mendez, Michelle; & Kohlmeier, Lenore. (1997). Adjustment of iron intake for dietary enhancers and inhibitors in population studies: bioavailable iron in rural and urban residing Russian women and children. Journal of Nutrition, 127(8), 1456-68.

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Although determining iron intakes is essential in assessing adequacy of iron in the diet, estimating iron availability may be more useful for evaluating whether iron requirements are met. Our objectives were to describe the dietary information, analytical steps, and computer algorithms needed for iron bioavailability adjustments and to demonstrate the effects of various dietary factors on calculated iron absorption. Our study was based on 9890 women and children participating in the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey. Between August 1992 and February 1993, two 24-h recalls were collected from each participant, and total, heme and nonheme iron intakes were calculated. Nonheme iron availability was adjusted for meat, fish and poultry and vitamin C consumed in the same meal and then further adjusted for tea and phytates. We found mean total iron intakes to be comparable to those of women of reproductive age in the United States and lower than those of United States children. When these intakes were adjusted for enhancers and inhibitors of absorption, the iron bioavailability in these vulnerable Russian groups was extremely low. Mean bioavailable iron as well as the 25th-75th percentile ranges of intake were below the bottom of the range of requirements, indicating that iron adequacy in this population may be considerably less than expected based on total iron intakes alone. Furthermore, rural and urban food availability had a significant effect on iron bioavailability. Future research on dietary iron adequacy should be based on estimates of available iron by collecting meal-level dietary data and using detailed information on mixed dishes and phytates.


Tseng, Marilyn
Chakraborty, Hrishikesh
Robinson, David T.
Mendez, Michelle
Kohlmeier, Lenore


Journal of Nutrition





0022-3166 (Print)