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Влияние владения компьютерными технологиями на поиск работы, занятость и заработную плату

Рощин, СЮ. (2007). Влияние владения компьютерными технологиями на поиск работы, занятость и заработную плату. Научные труды Лаборатории исследований рынка труда. WP15. НИУ ВШЭ.

Рощин, СЮ. (2007). Влияние владения компьютерными технологиями на поиск работы, занятость и заработную плату. Научные труды Лаборатории исследований рынка труда. WP15. НИУ ВШЭ.

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The paper considers microeconomic returns of computer skills and discusses the effects resulting from qualitative shifts in human capital. The research is based on the Russian longitudinal monitoring survey (RLMS) for the years 2000—2005. Empirical part of the paper analyses influence of computer skills on the effectiveness of job search, probability to be employed and wage and determines the factors of complexity and variety of computer skills acquired. The paper has found that there is microeconomic return on computer skills and abilities to work with a computer increase wages and the probability to be employed, to find a job. The second important result is that return on computer skills is both “technological” and “selective” and occurred to be a bonus on higher general skills of an individuals.


Рощин, СЮ


Научные труды Лаборатории исследований рынка труда. WP15. НИУ ВШЭ