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Social vulnerability of the Russian society as a result of high inequality of living standards

Bobkov, Vyacheslav N.; & Veredyuk, Olesya V. (2001). Social vulnerability of the Russian society as a result of high inequality of living standards. All-Russian Centre of Living Standard Working Paper.

Bobkov, Vyacheslav N.; & Veredyuk, Olesya V. (2001). Social vulnerability of the Russian society as a result of high inequality of living standards. All-Russian Centre of Living Standard Working Paper.

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The domestic and international aspects of the socio-economic inequality in living standards in Russia during the capitalist transformation from 1990 till 2000 are considered.
The following indicators of inequality were analyzed: by income spent on consumption, by housing, by access to education and health care. A comparison of Russia with other countries of the G20 is made. The reasons of high socio-economic inequality in Russia are revealed.
The reachability of parameters of the social structure of the Russian society represented in the Forecast of Long-term Socio-economic Development of the Russian Federation for the Period till the Year 2030 is considered. The conceptual approaches to reducing socio-economic inequalities are represented.


Bobkov, Vyacheslav N.
Veredyuk, Olesya V.


All-Russian Centre of Living Standard Working Paper