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Mode of socio-economic development and occupational structure: The case of contemporary Russia

Anikin, Vasiliy A. (2013). Mode of socio-economic development and occupational structure: The case of contemporary Russia. Transition Studies Review, 19(4), 397-415.

Anikin, Vasiliy A. (2013). Mode of socio-economic development and occupational structure: The case of contemporary Russia. Transition Studies Review, 19(4), 397-415.

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The given paper assumes the existence of a correlation between the occupational structure and the mode of social and economic development of a country. It is shown that the modern stage of development in advanced economies could be described by the post-industrial phase with (a) the specific proportions in the occupational structure (predominance of professional managers and technical experts); (b) particular nature of work and the corresponding extent of labor division according to specialization and qualification (highly skilled labor with broad specialization and a new criterion of creativity included within qualifications). Within the certain historical framework these indicators, combined onto the entire scheme, produce the criteria to distinct different types of socio-economic development and arrange them in consistent order. The analysis of occupational structure of Russian population shows that the reforms of 1990s have facilitated the process of deindustrialization alongside with the growth of semi- and low-skilled jobs. According to the scheme, Russia seems to have reached the stage of the development that is similar to one of the 1950–1960s in the USA and the Europe.


Anikin, Vasiliy A.


Transition Studies Review




