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Статистическое исследование межрегиональных различий в потреблении алкоголя населением России

Коссова, ТВ; Коссова, ЕВ; & Суходоев, ВВ. (2011). Статистическое исследование межрегиональных различий в потреблении алкоголя населением России. Вопросы статистики, 12, 64-68.

Коссова, ТВ; Коссова, ЕВ; & Суходоев, ВВ. (2011). Статистическое исследование межрегиональных различий в потреблении алкоголя населением России. Вопросы статистики, 12, 64-68.

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The subject of this article is a research on interregional differences in volume and structure of alcohol consumption based on official statistical data and testing of a hypothesis about various macroeconomic factors influencing alcohol consumption. This testing was carried out with regression analysis method on the basis of data from regions of the Russian Federation. Indicators used in the analysis were received from official state statistics' sources that are free to access on respective web-sites. Due to the lack of data on alcohol consumption by regions, sales rates of alcohol beverages in per capita volume terms (broken down by commodity) were used as proxy variables of alcohol consumption. On account of information on percentage of spirit in all alcohol products under review per capita indices of absolute alcohol consumption were estimated for each region specifically, contribution of each product into its forming was also assessed.


Коссова, ТВ
Коссова, ЕВ
Суходоев, ВВ


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