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Returns to schooling under foreign versus domestic ownership in Russia, 2003-2010

Pashchenko, Oksana. (2012). Returns to schooling under foreign versus domestic ownership in Russia, 2003-2010. Master's thesis / Doctoral dissertation, Central European University.

Pashchenko, Oksana. (2012). Returns to schooling under foreign versus domestic ownership in Russia, 2003-2010. Master's thesis / Doctoral dissertation, Central European University.

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In this study I investigate the returns to schooling in Russia 2003-10. I start with the replication of the paper by Gorodnichenko and Sabirianova (2005) by using the same data set, methodlogy, and definition of variables. My findings show that the returns to schooling are very similar to the estimates in the original paper. They are fluctuating between 8 and 9 percent. Then I use actual years of schooling instead of imputed which decreased the bias in estimated due to lower measurement error The new estimates for the returns to schooling became 2 percent lower. I extend my research to the investigation of the effect of privatization on the returns to schooling and I find negative effect on the returns to schooling in private companies. In contrast, I found positive correlation between the returns to schooling and foreign ownership but the coefficients are insignificant in the whole investigated period due to small number of observations.



Pashchenko, Oksana

Earle, Professor John


Master of Arts in Economics

Central European University

Budapest, Hungary