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Higher male mortality in Russia: a synthesis of the literature

Muraveva, Anna. (2012). Higher male mortality in Russia: a synthesis of the literature. Master's thesis / Doctoral dissertation, Faculty of the University Graduate School in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Master of Arts in the Department of Sociology, Indiana University.

Muraveva, Anna. (2012). Higher male mortality in Russia: a synthesis of the literature. Master's thesis / Doctoral dissertation, Faculty of the University Graduate School in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Master of Arts in the Department of Sociology, Indiana University.

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Russian demographic statistics reflect the persistence of a dramatically wide gender gap in life expectancy and mortality over the last decades - about twice that found in the developed world. On average, men in Russia live 12 years less than Russian women, and 14.5 years less than men in Western Europe. This thesis provides an overview and synthesis of the most recently available literature that addresses the persistent gender gap in mortality and life expectancy in Russia. I reviewed the prevalent behavioral and social-structural drivers that explain the causes of higher male mortality in contemporary Russia. Especially, I looked at how the conceptualization of the male social role and related norms that shape masculine behavior contribute to high male mortality in Russia. The study reveals that men’s unhealthy, risky behavior and their higher vulnerability to stress are considered to be linked to their gendered social identity which is created and reproduced by the social-structural context of the Russia’s society.


Department of Sociology

Muraveva, Anna

Haas, Ain E.
Haas, Linda

Foote, Carrie E.


Master of Arts in Sociology

Faculty of the University Graduate School in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Master of Arts in the Department of Sociology, Indiana University