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Simple Regression and the Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (2012): Bread Buying and Household Size in Russia

Institute, The Odum. (2015). Simple Regression and the Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (2012): Bread Buying and Household Size in Russia. SAGE Reserach Methods Datasets.

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This dataset example introduces readers to simple regression. This technique allows researchers to evaluate whether a continuous dependent variable is a linear function of a single independent variable. The simple linear regression model is most commonly estimated via ordinary least squares (OLS), and is sometimes called OLS regression. This example uses a subset of data from the 2012 Household survey from the Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey project. It presents an analysis of whether the number of people in a household predicts the amount of bread purchased in the previous seven days. Basic household consumption studies allow researchers to understand consumer behavior and household dynamics.

In this example, readers are introduced to the basic theory and assumptions underlying this technique, the type of question this technique can be used to answer, and how to produce and report results. The sample dataset has been cleaned and organized to make this example easier to follow. Interested readers should read the full documentation for the dataset before using it for research (


Institute, The Odum


SAGE Reserach Methods Datasets