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Household income and the role of household plots in rural Russia

Ogloblin, Constantin G.; & Brock, Gregory. (2006). Household income and the role of household plots in rural Russia. Applied Econometrics and International Development, 6(1), 59-76.

Ogloblin, Constantin G.; & Brock, Gregory. (2006). Household income and the role of household plots in rural Russia. Applied Econometrics and International Development, 6(1), 59-76.

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Household income in rural Russia 2000-03 is examined using a nationally representative household survey. Household plots narrow the income gap between urban and rural households and are essential as both a means of subsistence for poor families and a source of extra income for wealthier households. Unemployment lowers household income per adult substantially, especially the lowest income quintile. While young households and families with children are most disadvantaged, pensions keep retirement-age households out of poverty. Better human capital endowments raise household income substantially at all levels of the income distribution.


Ogloblin, Constantin G.
Brock, Gregory


Applied Econometrics and International Development


