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How much do Russians drink: volume, dynamics and differentiation of alcohol consumption

Tapilina, Vera Sergeevna. (2006). How much do Russians drink: volume, dynamics and differentiation of alcohol consumption. Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniya, 32(2), 85-94.

Tapilina, Vera Sergeevna. (2006). How much do Russians drink: volume, dynamics and differentiation of alcohol consumption. Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniya, 32(2), 85-94.

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Investigated standards, dynamics, & differentiation in alcohol consumption, as well as social demographic aspects of excessive drinking in Russian Federation 1994 through 2002. The data originate in official statistics & the Russian longitudinal monitoring survey (RLMS). The RLMS original data were corrected by weighing it up. Following features of alcohol consumption have been ascertained as outstanding: high level of per capita alcohol consumption accompanied by its intensive growth. Composition of consumption is changing with regard to both strong & weak drinks. Alcohol consumers tend to increasingly differentiate by amount of consumption, & there is a steady & marked increase of excessive alcohol consumers. Adapted from the source document.


Tapilina, Vera Sergeevna


Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniya



