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La question des sureffectifs en Russie: une explication en termes de competences ('Labour hoarding' in Russia: an interpretation in terms of skills. With English summary.)

Koumakhov, Rouslan; & Najman, Boris. (2001). La question des sureffectifs en Russie: une explication en termes de competences ('Labour hoarding' in Russia: an interpretation in terms of skills. With English summary.). Revue Economique, 52(4), 915-41.

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This paper studies the problem of labour hoarding in Russia, using the RLMs database. We analyse two particular forms of this phenomenon: administrative (compulsory, non paid or partially paid) leaves and short-time work. We show that these forms are related to different types of workers' skills and professional segments. Firms use administrative leaves in order to keep employees having firm-specific competencies, while the unskilled workers' employment is more linked to the short-time work. The article argues that both employment practices should be considered as forms of internal flexibility of Russian enterprises rather than as hidden unemployment or labour hoarding.


Koumakhov, Rouslan
Najman, Boris


Revue Economique


