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Competition and market dynamics on the Russian deposits market

Admiraal, Piet-Hein; & Carree, Martin A. (2000). Competition and market dynamics on the Russian deposits market. ERIM Report Series Reference No. ERS-2000-25-STR.

Admiraal, Piet-Hein; & Carree, Martin A. (2000). Competition and market dynamics on the Russian deposits market. ERIM Report Series Reference No. ERS-2000-25-STR.

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In the early transition era in Russia entry barriers for commercial banks were about absent. It resulted in the mushrooming of hundreds of small, poorly-endowed and inexperienced banks. In this paper we address the question whether the claimed benefits of low entry barriers - competition and market dynamics - have resulted. We use a sample of commercial saving banks for the 1994-97 period. We conclude that there were important mobility barriers and that the removal of entry barriers did not lead to intensified competition.


Admiraal, Piet-Hein
Carree, Martin A.


ERIM Report Series Reference No. ERS-2000-25-STR