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Wang, Youfa. (2001). Cross-national comparison of childhood obesity: the epidemic and the relationship between obesity and socioeconomic status. International Journal of Epidemiology, 30(5), 1129-36.

Wang, Youfa; & Adair, Linda S. (2001). How does maturity adjustment influence the estimates of overweight prevalence in adolescents from different countries using an international reference? International Journal of Obesity, 25(4), 550-8.

Yeo, Douglas. (2001). After the first steps: the evolution of the national population health survey. Canadian Studies in Population, 28(2), 377–390.

Zohoori, Namvar. (2001). Nutrition and healthy functioning in the developing world. Journal of Nutrition, 131(9), 2429S-2432S.

Zohoori, Namvar; Gleiter, Karin; & Popkin, Barry M. (2001). Monitoring health conditions in the Russian Federation: the Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey 1992-2000. Report submitted to the U.S. Agency for International Development. . Chapel Hill, N. C.: Carolina Population Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Admiraal, Piet-Hein; & Carree, Martin A. (2000). Competition and market dynamics on the Russian deposits market. ERIM Report Series Reference No. ERS-2000-25-STR.

Alexandrova, Anastassia; & Braithwaite, Jeanine. (2000). Targeting poverty benefits in Russia. In Hutton, Sandra & Redmond, Gerry (Eds.), Poverty in transition economies (pp. 228). New York: Psychology Press.

Bank, World. (2000). Poverty reduction and the World Bank: progress in fiscal 1999. Washington, D. C.: World Bank.

Birdsall, Nancy; Graham, Carol; & Pettinato, Stefano. (2000). Stuck in the tunnel: is globalization muddling the middle class? Brookings Institution Center Working Paper No. 14.

Brainerd, Elizabeth. (2000). How does privatization affect workers? The case of the Russian mass privatization program. William Davidson Institute (WDI) - Working Papers no. 303.

Braun, Joachim; Qaim, Matin; & Seeth, Harm. (2000). Poverty, subsistence production, and consumption of food in Russia: policy implications. In Wehrheim, Peter, Frohberg, Klaus, Serova, Eugenia & Braun, Joachim (Eds.), Russia’s Agro-Food Sector (pp. 301-321). Springer US.

Brock, Gregory. (2000). The ZATO archipelago revisited - Is the federal government loosening its grip? A research note. Europe-Asia Studies, 52(7), 1349-1360.

Carree, Martin A. (2000). The evolution of the Russian saving bank sector during the transition era. ERIM Report Series Reference No. ERS-2000-27-STR.

Clarke, Simon. (2000). Measurement and definitions of poverty in Russia. In Gordon, David & Townsend, Peter (Eds.), Breadline Europe: The Measurement of Poverty (pp. 307-56). Bristol, U. K.: Policy Press.

Clarke, Simon. (2000). The household in a non-monetary market economy. In Seabright, Paul (Ed.), The Vanishing Rouble. Barter Networks and Non-Monetary Transactions in Post-Soviet Societies (pp. 176–206). New York: Cambridge University Press.

Clarke, Simon; & Kabalina, Veronika. (2000). The new private sector in the Russian labour market. Europe-Asia Studies, 52(1), 7-32.

Clarke, Simon; Varshavskaya, Lena; Yaroshenko, Sergei; & Karelina, Marina. (2000). The myth of the urban peasant. Work, Employment & Society, 14(3), 481-99.

Cockerham, W. (2000). Health Lifestyles in Russia. Soc Sci Med, 51.

Cockerham, William C. (2000). Health lifestyles in Russia. Social Science and Medicine, 51(9), 1313-24.

Crowley, Stephen. (2000). Labor quiescence in post-Communist Russia. Title VIII Program. Oberlin College.