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Greenberg, Deena. (2009). The flat tax: An examination of the Baltic States. Master's thesis / Doctoral dissertation, University of Pennsylvania.

Guriev, Sergei; & Zhuravskaya, Ekaterina. (2009). (Un)happiness in transition. Economic Perspectives, 23(2), 143-68.

Hermelink, Ursula; & Trentini, Claudia. (2009). Gender-sensitive economic policies in the UNECE region in the context of the economic and financial crisis. ECE Discussion Papers Series No. 2009.3.

Herzfeld, Thomas; Huffman, Sonya K.; Oskam, Arie A.; & Rizov, Marian. (2009). Changes in food, alcohol and cigarettes consumption during transition: Evidence from Russia. Presented at the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, Milwaukee, WI.

Huber, Evelyne; Pribble, Jennifer; & Stephens, John D. (2009). The politics of effective and sustainable redistribution. In Estache, Antonio & Leipziger, Danny M. (Eds.), Stuck in the Middle—Is Fiscal Policy Failing the Middle Class (pp. 155–88). Brookings Institution Press.

Kalugina, Ekaterina; Radtchenko, Natalia; & Sofer, Catherine. (2009). How do spouses share their full income? Identification of the sharing rule using self-reported income. Review of Income and Wealth, 55(2), 360-391.

Kalugina, Ekaterina; Radtchenko, Natalia; & Sofer, Catherine. (2009). Une analyse du partage intrafamilial du revenu à partir de données subjectives. Economie & Prévision, 186(5), 101-116.

Kalugina, Ekaterina; Sofer, Catherine; & Radtchenko, Natalia. (2009). Intra-household inequality in transitional Russia. Review of Economics of the Household, 7(4), 447-471.

Kanji, Shireen. (2009). Age group conflict or cooperation? Children and pensioners in Russia in crisis. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 29(7-8), 372-387.

Kapitány, Zsuzsa. (2009). Non-employment, ill-being and subjective well-being. IEHAS Discussion Papers MT-DP – 2009/22.

Kim, Byung-Yeon; & Kang, Youngho. (2009). The informal economy and the growth of small enterprises in Russia. Economics of Transition, 17(2), 351-376.

King, Lawrence; Hamm, Patrick; & Stuckler, David. (2009). Rapid large-scale privatization and death rates in ex-communist countries: an analysis of stress-related and health system mechanisms. International Journal of Health Services, 39(3), 461-489.

Kislitsyna, Ol'ga Anatol'evna. (2009). The social-economic risk factors of adolescent psychological disorders. Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniya, 8, 92-99.

Kolosnitsyna, M.G.; & Mushchinkin, A.V. (2009). Tendentsii i faktory zaniatosti v rossii'skom zdravookhranenii. Obshchestvennye nauki i sovremennost', April 2009(002), 78-90.

Lazareva, Olga. (2009). Health effects of occupational change. SSRN Working Paper -id1357365.

Lazareva, Olga. (2009). Labor market outcomes during the Russian transition. Master's thesis / Doctoral dissertation, Stockholm School of Economics.

Leon, David A.; Shkolnikov, Vladimir M.; & McKee, Martin. (2009). Alcohol and Russian mortality: a continuing crisis. Addiction, 104(10), 1630-1636.

Lokshin, Michael M. (2009). A survey of poverty research in Russia: does it follow the scientific method? Economic Systems, 33(3), 191-212.

Lopes, Adair da Silva. (2009). Fatores associados à atividade física e aos comportamentos sedentários em adolescentes. Rev Bras Cineantropom Desempenho Hum, 11(1), 59-66.

Mangahas, Mahar. (2009). The role of civil society in poverty monitoring: the case of the Philippines. “The Impact of the Global Economic Situation on Poverty and Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific.". Hanoi.