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Manning, Nick P.; & Tikhonova, Natalia E. (2009). Health and health care in the new Russia. England: Ashgate Publishing Limited.

Markin, Maxim. (2009). Studying entrepreneurship in Russia: main directions and methods. In Nazarbaeva, E. (Ed.), Russia-Europe relations: A look from Sweden (pp. 96-102). INTELCORP.

McKenna, Jim. (2009). International developments in physical activity promotion. In Dugdill, Lindsey, Crone, Diane & Murphey, Rebecca (Eds.), Physical activity and health promotion: evidence-based approaches to practice (pp. 218). Wiley-Blackwell.

McKinney, Judith R. (2009). Russian babies, Russian babes: economic and demographic implications of international adoption and international trafficking for Russia. Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization, 17(1), 19-40.

Mehta, Neil K. (2009). Contemporary topics in American adult health and mortality: obesity and immigration. Master's thesis / Doctoral dissertation, University of Pennsylvania.

Mosley, Paul; & Mussurov, Altay. (2009). Poverty and economic growth in Russia’s regions. Sheffield Economic Research Paper Series No. 2009006.

Nandy, Shailen; & Gordon, David. (2009). Children living in squalor: shelter, water and sanitation deprivations in developing countries. Children, Youth and Environments, 19(2), 202-228.

Nilsson, Andreas; Andersen, Lars Bo; Ommundsen, Yngvar; Froberg, Karsten; Sardinha, Luis B.; Piehl-Aulin, Karin; & Ekelund, Ulf. (2009). Correlates of objectively assessed physical activity and sedentary time in children: a cross-sectional study (The European Youth Heart Study). BMC Public Health, 9(1), 322.

Nuviala Nuviala, Alberto; Grao Cruces, A.; Fernández Martínez, Antonio; Alda Schönemann, O.; Burges Abad, J.A.; & Juame Pons, A. (2009). Autopercepción de la salud, estilo de vida y actividad física organizada. Revista Internacional de Medicina y Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte, 9(36).

Nuviala Nuviala, Alberto; Munguía Izquierdo, Diego; Fernández Martínez, Antonio; Ruiz Juan, Francisco; & García Montes, Maria Elena. (2009). Tipologías de ocupación del tiempo libre de adolescentes españoles: el caso de los participantes en actividades físicas organizadas. Revistas - Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 4(1).

Perlman, Francesca J. A.; & Bobak, Martin. (2009). Assessing the contribution of unstable employment to mortality in posttransition Russia: prospective individual-level analyses from the Russian longitudinal monitoring survey. American Journal of Public Health, 99(10), 1818-25. PMCID: PMC2741509

Perlman, Francesca J. A.; & McKee, Martin. (2009). Trends in family planning in Russia, 1994–2003. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 41(1), 40-50.

Perlman, Francesca J. A.; Balabanova, Dina; & McKee, Martin. (2009). An analysis of trends and determinants of health insurance and healthcare utilisation in the Russian population between 2000 and 2004: the 'inverse care law' in action. BMC Health Services Research, 9, 68. PMCID: PMC2684531

Petrescu, Ioana Maria. (2009). Income taxation and self-employment: the impact of progressivity in countries with tax evasion. American Economic Association (AEA) Annual Conference.

Radtchenko, Natalia. (2009). Identifying intra-household welfare distribution. Centre d’etude des politiques economiques de l’universite d’evry document de recherche No. 09-04. Evry, France: Centre d'Etudes des Politiques Economiques de l'Universite d'Evry, France.

Raj, Anita; Cheng, Debbie M.; Krupitsky, Evgeny M.; Coleman, Sharon M.; Bridden, Carly; & Samet, Jeffrey H. (2009). Correlates of any condom use among Russian narcology patients reporting recent unprotected sex. AIDS and Behavior, 13(2), 310-317.

Raj, Anita; Cheng, Debbie M.; Krupitsky, Evgeny M.; Levenson, Suzette; Egorova, Valentina Y.; Meli, Seville; Zvartau, Edwin E.; & Samet, Jeffrey H. (2009). Binge drinking and unsafe sex: a study of narcology hospital patients from St. Petersburg, Russia. Substance Abuse: official publication of the Association for Medical Education and Research in Substance Abuse, 30(3), 213-22.

Regushevskaya, Elena. (2009). Abortions and sexually transmitted infections among women in St. Petersburg in the early 2000s. Comparison by population based surveys in Estonia and Finland. Master's thesis / Doctoral dissertation, Univerisity of Tampere.

Rodríguez, Ariel; & Vogt, Christine A. (2009). Demographic, environmental, access, and attitude factors that influence walking to school by elementary school aged children. Journal of School Health, 79(6), 255-261.

Roshchina, Y. M.; & Sukhova, A. S. (2009). Typological analysis of Russian households agriculture. Working Paper WP4/2009. Moscow: State University — Higher School of Economics.