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Rovelli, Riccardo; & Zaiceva, Anzelika. (2009). Transition fatigue? Cross-country evidence from micro data. IZA discussion papers 4224.

Schafer, Markus H.; & Ferraro, Kenneth F. (2009). Data Sources for Studying Aging. In Uhlenberg, Peter (Ed.), International Handbook of Population Aging (pp. 19-36). Springer Netherlands.

Shkolnikova, Maria; Shalnova, Svetlana; Shkolnikov, Vladimir M.; Metelskaya, Victoria; Deev, Alexander D.; Andreev, Evgueni M.; Jdanov, Dmitri; & Vaupel, James W. (2009). Biological mechanisms of disease and death in Moscow: rationale and design of the survey on Stress Aging and Health in Russia (SAHR). BMC Public Health, 9(1), 293.

Stiglitz, Joseph E.; Sen, Amartya Kumar; & Fitoussi, Jean-Paul. (2009). Rapport de la Commission sur la mesure des performances économiques et du progrès social. S.l.: La Commission sur la mesure des performances économiques et du progrès social.

Stiglitz, Joseph E.; Sen, Amartya Kumar; & Fitoussi, Jean-Paul. (2009). Report by the commission on the measurement of economic performance and social progress. . Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress, Paris.

Trygged, Sven; & Eriksson, Bodil. (2009). Implementing Swedish models of social work in a Russian context. Social Work & Society, 7(2).

Voronin, G. L. (2009). Objective and subjective indicators of societal wellbeing. Sotsiologicheskiy Zhurnal, 3, 41-54.

Webb, Elizabeth Alice. (2009). Life course socioeconomic circumstances and cardiovascular disease risk in Central and Eastern Europe. Master's thesis / Doctoral dissertation, University College London.

Zhu, Xuemei; & Lee, Chanam. (2009). Correlates of walking to school and implications for public policies: survey results from parents of elementary school children in Austin, Texas. Journal of Public Health Policy, 30(S1), S177-S202.

Zurovac, Jelena. (2009). Essays in health economics. Master's thesis / Doctoral dissertation, University of Washington.

домохозяйств, Мониторинг поведения. (2009). Исследовательские проекты. Экономическая социология, 10(5), 118-20.

Латова, НВ. (2009). Институциональный «читинг» как воспроизводство социального антикапитала власти-собственности. In Ясин, Е. Г. (Ed.), Модернизация экономики и глобализация: В 3 кн. Кн. 2 (pp. 391-400). Издательский дом ГУ-ВШЭ.

Сухова, А.С.; & Рощина, Я.М. (2009). типологический анализ поведения российских домохозяйств в сфере частного сельскохозяйственного производства. Препринт WP4/2009/0_.

和広, 雲. (2009). ロシアにおける出生規定要因: マイクロデータによる接近. RRC Working Paper Series No. 19.

Acilar, Ali; Markin, Maxim; & Nazarbaeva, Elena. (2008). Exploring the digital divide: a case of Russia and Turkey. International Journal of Innovation in the Digital Economy (IJIDE), 3(3).

Ahmed, Robina A.; & Rider, Mark. (2008). Pakistan’s tax gap: estimates by tax calculation and methodology. International Center for Public Policy Working Paper Series No. 0811., 78 pages.

Arrondel, Luc; & Calvo Pardo, Hector. (2008). Les Français sont-ils prudents? Patrimoine et risque sur le marché du travail. Economie et Statistique, 417(1), 27-53.

Artemov, Viktor; & Novokhatskaya, Olga. (2008). Changes in the use of time and the state of health of the Russian population in the 1980s-1990s. Electronic International Journal of Time Use Research, 5(1), 1-25.

Baillie, Kate. (2008). Health implications of transition from a planned to a free market economy–an overview. Obesity Reviews, 9(Supplement s1), 146-150.

Balabanova, Dina; & Coker, Richard. (2008). Russia and Former USSR, Health Systems of. In Heggenhougen, Kris (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Public Health (pp. 627-37). ScienceDirect.