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Ganguli, Ina. (2008). Post-Communist immigration: testing the selection hypotheses for immigrants in the US and EU. UCLA Europe’s Borderlands Conference & Harvard-Manchester Summer Workshop on Immigration. UCLA Center for European and Eurasian Studies Best Western Moorside Grange Hotel, Higher Disley, UK.

Gerber, Theodore P.; & Berman, Danielle. (2008). Heterogeneous condom use in contemporary Russia. Studies in Family Planning, 39(1), 1-17.

Gerry, Christopher J.; Nivorozhkin, Eugene; & Rigg, John A. (2008). The great divide: ‘ruralisation’ of poverty in Russia. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 32(4), 593-607.

Gibson, John; Stillman, Steven; & Le, Trinh. (2008). CPI bias and real living standards in Russia during the transition. Journal of Development Economics, 87(1), 140-60.

Golovtseva, Victoria. (2008). Are we happy with our life comparing to others: testing relative income and life satisfaction relationship in Ukraine. Master's thesis / Doctoral dissertation, National University “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”.

Gorodnichenko, Yuriy; Peter, Klara Sabirianova; & Stolyarov, Dmitriy. (2008). A bumpy ride along the Kuznets curve: consumption and income inequality dynamics in Russia. unpublished paper.

Graham, Carol. (2008). Happiness and health: lessons—and questions—for public policy. Health Affairs, 27(1), 72.

Graham, Carol. (2008). Measuring quality of life in Latin America: some insights from happiness economics and the Latinobarometro. In Møller, Valerie, Huschka, Denis & Michalos, Alex C. (Eds.), Barometers of Quality of Life Around the Globe (pp. 71-106). Springer Netherlands.

Góra, Marek; Kula, Grzegorz; Rokicka, Magdalena; Rohozynsky, Oleksandr; & Ruzik, Anna. (2008). Social security, labour market and restructuring: current situation and expected outcomes of reforms. CASE Network Reports.

Hamilton, Ellen; Banerjee, Sudeshna G.; & Lomaia, Maka. (2008). Exploring housing subsidies to households in Russia. Journal of International Development, 20(3), 257-279.

Hansen, Ken. (2008). Teaching within all three domains to maximize student learning. Strategies: A Journal for Physical and Sport Educators, 21(6), 9-13.

Hulley, Angela; Bentley, Nick; Clough, Catherine; Fishlock, Adelle; Morrell, Frances; O'Brien, James; & Radmore, Joseph. (2008). Active and passive commuting to school: influences on affect in primary school children. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 79(4), 525-534.

Johnes, Geraint; & Tanaka, Yasuhide. (2008). Changes in gender wage discrimination in the 1990s: a tale of three very different economies. Japan and the World Economy, 20(1), 97-113.

Katz, Katarina; & Sand, Lena. (2008). Household specialisation and gender equality in transition. Paid and unpaid work of women and men in Soviet and post-Soviet Taganrog. University of Gothenburg Working Papers in Economics No. 307.

Keen, Michael; Kim, Yitae; & Varsano, Ricardo. (2008). The “flat tax(es)”: principles and experience. International Tax and Public Finance, 15(6), 712-751.

Kim, Bonggeun; Gibson, John; & Chung, Chul. (2008). Using panel data to exactly estimate under-reporting by the self-employed. Department of Economics Working Paper Series. University of Waikato Working Papers in Economics No. 08/15.

Landsberg, B.; Plachta-Danielzik, S.; Much, D.; Johannsen, M.; Lange, D.; & Müller, Manfred James. (2008). Associations between active commuting to school, fat mass and lifestyle factors in adolescents: the Kiel Obesity Prevention Study (KOPS). European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 62(6), 739-747.

Linz, Susan J.; & Semykina, Anastasia. (2008). Attitudes and performance: an analysis of Russian workers. Journal of Socio-Economics, 37(2), 694-717.

Linz, Susan J.; & Semykina, Anastasia. (2008). How do workers fare during transition? Perceptions of job insecurity among Russian workers, 1995-2004. Labour Economics, 15(3), 442-458.

Lofmark, Monika Hjeds. (2008). Search strategies of the unemployed in the Russian Federation. International Journal of Manpower, 29(6), 523-538.