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Lofmark, Monika Hjeds. (2008). Unemployment duration in Taganrog, Russia. Annual EALE Conference. Amsterdam.

Lokshin, M.; & Ravallion, M. (2008). Testing for an Economic Gradient in Health Status Using Subjective Data. Health Econ, 17.

Lokshin, Michael M.; & Ravallion, Martin. (2008). Testing for an economic gradient in health status using subjective data. Health Economics, 17(11), 1237-1259.

Lokshin, Michael M.; & Yemtsov, Ruslan. (2008). Who bears the cost of Russia's military draft? Economics of Transition, 16(3), 359-387.

Mackett, Roger L.; & Paskins, James. (2008). Children's physical activity: the contribution of playing and walking. Children & Society, 22(5), 345-357.

McDonald, Noreen C. (2008). Children’s mode choice for the school trip: the role of distance and school location in walking to school. Transportation, 35(1), 23-35.

McDonald, Noreen C. (2008). Critical factors for active transportation to school among low-income and minority students: evidence from the 2001 national household travel survey. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 34(4), 341-344.

Mete, Cem. (2008). Economic implications of chronic illness and disability in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. Washington DC: World Bank Publications.

Mroz, Thomas A.; & Popkin, Barry M. (2008). Monitoring economic conditions in the Russian Federation: the Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey 1992-1998. . Chapel Hill, N. C.: Carolina Population Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Muravyev, Alexander. (2008). Human capital externalities: evidence from the transition economy of Russia. Economics of Transition, 16(3), 415-443.

Narayan-Parker, Deepa; Pritchett, Lant; & Kapoor, Soumya. (2008). Moving out of poverty: success from the bottom up. Washington, DC: World Bank Publications.

Notten, Geranda; & Gassmann, Franziska. (2008). Size matters: targeting efficiency and poverty reduction effects of means-tested and universal child benefits in Russia. Journal of European Social Policy, 18(3), 260-74.

Ovtcharova, Lilia; & Tesliuc, Emil Daniel. (2008). Sensitivity of poverty and inequality statistics to alternative definitions of household welfare. Illustration using the NOBUS survey. Russia Programmatic Poverty Assessment Program. The World Bank.

Perlman, Francesca J. A.; & Bobak, Martin. (2008). Determinants of self rated health and mortality in Russia–are they the same? International Journal for Equity in Health, 7(19), 1-8.

Perlman, Francesca J. A.; & Bobak, Martin. (2008). Socioeconomic and behavioral determinants of mortality in posttransition Russia: a prospective population study. Annals of Epidemiology, 18(2), 92-100.

Perlman, Francesca J. A.; & McKee, Martin. (2008). Diabetes during the Russian transition. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 80(2), 305-13.

Petrescu, Ioana Maria. (2008). Essays in taxation and international relations. Master's thesis / Doctoral dissertation, Harvard University.

Pham, Thi Kim Cuong. (2008). L'hypothèse d'utilité relative dans l'analyse économique: enjeux et conséquences. Revue d'économie politique, 118(4), 541-572.

Pinnelli, Antonella; & Fiori, Francesca. (2008). The influence of partner involvement in fatherhood and domestic tasks on mothers' fertility expectations in Italy. Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice about Men as Fathers, 6(2), 169-191.

Popkin, Barry M. (2008). The nutrition transition and its relationship to demographic change. In Semba, Richard D., Bloem, Martin W. & Piot, Peter (Eds.), Nutrition and Health in Developing Countries (pp. 601-616). Humana Press.