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Suhrcke, Marc; Arce, Regina Sauto; McKee, McKee; & Rocco, Lorenzo. (2008). Coûts économiques de la mauvaise santé dans la Région européenne. Copenhague: Bureau régional de l'OMS pour l'Europe.

Taormina, David P.; Rozenblatt, Shahal; Guey, Lin T.; Gluzman, Semyon Fishelevich; Carlson, Gabrielle A.; Havenaar, Johan M.; Zakhozha, Victoria; Kotov, Roman; & Bromet, Evelyn J. (2008). The Chornobyl accident and cognitive functioning: a follow-up study of infant evacuees at age 19 years. Psychological Medicine, 38(4), 489-498.

Tudor-Locke, Catrine; Ainsworth, Barbara E.; & Popkin, Barry M. (2008). Patterns of physical activity and overweight among 7-13-year-old Russian children: a 7-year nationally representative monitoring study. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 79(1), 10-17.

Vagero, Denny; Kislitsyna, Olga; Ferlander, Sara; Migranova, Ludmila; Carlson, Per; & Rimachevskaya, Natalia. (2008). Moscow Health Survey 2004 social surveying under difficult circumstances. International Journal of Public Health, 53(4), 171-179.

Varshavsky, Alexander. (2008). Basic income and increasing income inequality in Russia. Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN) 12th Congress. University College Dublin, Dublin (Ireland).

Verme, Paolo. (2008). Social assistance and poverty reduction in Moldova 2001–2004: an impact evaluation. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper. Washington, DC: World Bank.

Vlasoff, Tiina; Laatikainen, Tiina; Korpelainen, Vesa; Uhanov, Mihail; Pokusajeva, Svetlana; Rogacheva, Anastasiya; Tossavainen, Karttu; Vartiainen, Erkki; & Puska, Pekka. (2008). Ten year trends in chronic disease risk factors in the Republic of Karelia, Russia. The European Journal of Public Health, 18(6), 666.

Vlasovs, Aleksjes. (2008). Geographic wage inequality in Russia: the role of workforce heterogeneity and different returns to workers’ characteristics. Master's thesis / Doctoral dissertation, Central European University.

Vorobieva, Tatiana. (2008). Krankenversicherung in der Russischen Föderation. GRIN Verlag.

Wall, Martin; & Johnston, Deborah. (2008). Counting heads or counting televisions: can asset based measures of welfare assist policy makers in Russia? Journal of Human Development, 9(1), 131-147.

Walley, Alexander Y.; Krupitsky, Evgeny M.; Cheng, Debbie M.; Raj, Anita; Edwards, Erika M.; Bridden, Carly; Egorova, Valentina Y.; Zvartau, Edwin E.; Woody, George E.; & Samet, Jeffrey H. (2008). Implications of cannabis use and heavy alcohol use on HIV drug risk behaviors in Russian heroin users. AIDS and Behavior, 12(4), 662-669.

Westman, Mina; Keinan, Giora; Roziner, Illan; & Benyamini, Yael. (2008). The crossover of perceived health between spouses. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 13(2), 168.

Yemtsov, Ruslan. (2008). Through the looking-glass: what is behind official data on inequality in Russia over 1992-2003? 30th General Conference of The International Association for Research in Income and Wealth. Portoroz, Slovenia.

Yeung, Jennifer; Wearing, Scott; & Hills, Andrew P. (2008). Child transport practices and perceived barriers in active commuting to school. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 42(6), 895-900.

Zakharov, Sergei. (2008). Russian Federation: from the first to second demographic transition. Demographic Research, 19(24), 907-72.

Zavisca, Jane Roj. (2008). Property without markets: housing policy and politics in Post-Soviet Russia, 1992–2007. Comparative European Politics, 6(3), 365-86.

Zhu, Xuemei; & Lee, Chanam. (2008). Walkability and safety around elementary schools: economic and ethnic disparities. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 34(4), 282-290.

Красовський, Костянтин; Андрєєва, Тетяна; Andreeva, T.; Андреева, Татьяна; Krasovsky, K.; & Красовский, Константин. (2008). Глобальна тютюнова епідемія і протистояння їй в Україні. Східноєвропейський журнал громадського здоров'я., 4, 66-70.

Adari, Johnson .S.; Moghadam, Mashaallah R.; & Starnes, Charles N. (2007). Life expectancy of people living with HIV/AIDS and associated socioeconomic factors in Kenya. Journal of International Development, 19(3), 357-366.

Alexandrova, Anastasia; & Grishina, Elena. (2007). Who receives targeted benefits in transition? The effect of household characteristics on take-up rates in Russia's child allowance programme. Social Policy and Society, 6(2), 141-50.