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Balabanova, Dina C. (2007). Health sector reform and equity in transition. . Johannesburg, South Africa: University of the Witwatersrand, Center for Health Policy.

Balan Cohen, Andreea. (2007). Essays in public economics. Master's thesis / Doctoral dissertation, Harvard University.

Baltagi, Badi H. (2007). On the use of panel data methods to estimate rational addiction models. Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 54(1), 1-18.

Banerjee, Arup. (2007). Occupation segregation and gender earnings differentials in Slovenia. Master's thesis / Doctoral dissertation, Trinity College, Duke University.

Batchikov, Serguei; Glasev, Serguei; Kara-Murza, Serguei; & Ortiz, Antonio Fernández. (2007). El libro blanco de Rusia: las reformas neoliberales: 1991-2004. Ediciones De Intervención Cultural/El Viejo Topo.

Batifoulier, Philippe. (2007). Approches institutionnalistes des inégalités en économie sociale: Évaluations. Editions L'Harmattan.

Besstremyannaya, Galina. (2007). Out-of-pocket health care expenditures by Russian consumers with different health status. Transition Studies Review, 14(2), 331-338.

Borisov, Gleb. (2007). The vintage effect on the Russian labor market. Eastern European Economics, 45(2), 23-51.

Brainerd, Elizabeth. (2007). The baby decision amid turmoil: understanding the fertility decline in Russia of the 1990s. . Seattle, WA: National Council for Eurasian and East European Research.

Brainerd, Elizabeth. (2007). Uncounted costs of World War II: the effect of changing sex ratios on marriage and fertility of Russian women. . National Council for Eurasian and East European Research.

Cerami, Alfio. (2007). Social change and welfare state developments in CEE and Russia. MPRA Working Paper.

Cheidvasser, Sofia; & Benitez-Silva, Hugo. (2007). The educated Russian's curse: returns to education in the Russian federation during the 1990s. Labour, 21(1), 1-41.

Cherchye, Laurens; De Rock, Bram; & Vermeulen, Frederic. (2007). The collective model of household consumption: a nonparametric characterization. Econometrica : Journal of the Econometric Society, 75(2), 553-574.

Clément, Matthieu. (2007). Einschätzung der Bedeutung staatlicher Transfers für die Armutsdynamik: beispiel Russland. Internationale Revue für Soziale Sicherheit, 60(1), 65-88.

Clément, Matthieu. (2007). Ensayo de evaluación de la incidencia de las transferencias públicas en la dinámica de la pobreza: el caso de Rusia. Revista Internacional de Seguridad Social, 60(1), 63-86.

Clément, Matthieu. (2007). Groupement de Recherches Economiques et Sociales. Cahier n, 2007, 14.

Clément, Matthieu. (2007). Tentative evaluation of the impact of public transfers on the dynamics of poverty: The case of Russia. International Social Security Review, 60(1), 59-80.

Clément, Matthieu. (2007). Un essai d'évaluation de l'impact redistributif des aides au logement en Russie: une analyse de 'propensity score matching'. In Batifoulier, Philippe, Ghirardello, Ariane, de Larquier, Guillemette & Remillon, Delphine (Eds.), Approches institutionnalistes des inégalités en économie sociale: Évaluations (pp. 153). Paris: L'Harmattan.

Cohen, Andreea Balan. (2007). Sobering up: the impact of the 1985–1988 Russian anti-alcohol campaign on child health. Tufts University Working Paper. Tufts University.

de Koning, Jaap. (2007). Employment and training policies in Central and Eastern Europe: a transitional labour market perspective. The Netherlands: Dutch University Press.