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Radtchenko, Natalia. (2006). Offre de travail individuelle et'collective': applications empiriques à l'aide de données russes. Master's thesis / Doctoral dissertation, Universite Paris I.

Ravallion, Martin; & Lokshin, Michael. (2006). Testing poverty lines. Review of Income and Wealth, 52(3), 399-421.

Revich, B. A. (2006). Toward the assessment of the Russian population mortality risk factors and the feasibility of their reduction: comments on the World Bank report “Dying too young”. Studies on Russian Economic Development, 17(6), 643-654.

Richter, Kaspar. (2006). The well-being of the elderly and wage arrears in Russia. Journal of the European Economic Association, 4(1), 116-52.

Richter, Kaspar. (2006). Wage arrears and economic voting in Russia. American Political Science Review, 100(1), 133-145.

Rieck, Dorothea. (2006). Transition to second birth: the case of Russia. MPIDR Working Papers WP 2006-036. Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR).

Rosenberg, Dori E.; Sallis, James F.; Conway, Terry L.; Cain, Kelli L.; & McKenzie, Thomas L. (2006). Active transportation to school over 2 years in relation to weight status and physical activity. Obesity, 14(10), 1771-1776.

Rutherford, Thomas F.; Tarr, David G.; & Shepotylo, Oleksandr. (2006). The impact of Russia on WTO and the DDA: the importance of liberalization of barriers against FDI in services for growth and poverty reduction. In Hertel, T. W. & Winters, L. A. (Eds.), Poverty and the WTO: Impacts of the Doha Development Agenda (pp. 467-96). Washington, D. C.: World Bank.

Rutland, Peter. (2006). Russia's Food Policies and Globalization. JSTOR.

Sahib, Padma Rao; Koning, Ruud H.; & van Witteloostuijn, Arjen. (2006). Putting your Best Cyber Identity Forward. International Sociology, 21(1), 61.

Seidell, Jacob C.; Doak, Colleen M.; de Munter, Jeroen S. L.; Kuijper, Lothar D. J.; & Zonneveld, Cor. (2006). Cross-sectional growth references and implications for the development of an international growth standard for school-aged children and adolescents. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 27(4 Suppl Growth Standard), S189-98.

Shaban, Radwan; Asaoka, Hiromi; Barnes, Bob; Drebentsov, Vladimir; Langenbrunner, John; Sajaia, Zurab; Stevens, James; Tarr, David G.; Tesliuc, Emil Daniel; Shabalina, Olga; & Yemtsov, Ruslan. (2006). Reducing poverty through growth and social policy reform in Russia. Washington DC: World Bank Publications.

Shkaratan, Ovsei Irmovich; & Iniasevskii, Sergei Aleksandrovich. (2006). Professionals and managers in employment sphere--the state and real behavior. Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniya, 32(12), 41-53.

Smirnof, A.D. (2006). Macroeconomic Role of Stabilization Fund. статья в журнале - научная статья, 10(2).

Snodgrass, James Joshua; Leonard, William R.; Sorensen, Mark V.; Tarskaia, Larissa A.; Alekseev, Vasili P.; & Krivoshapkin, Vadim G. (2006). The emergence of obesity among indigenous Siberians. Journal of Physiological Anthropology, 25(1), 75-84.

Southworth, Caleb. (2006). The Dacha debate: household agriculture and labor markets in post-socialist Russia. Rural Sociology, 71(3), 451-78.

Sowa, Agnieszka; & Behrendt, Christina. (2006). Social security in low-and middle-income countries: the role of household survey data. Issues in Social Protection Discussion Paper.

Sprenger, Carsten. (2006). The determinants of ownership after privatization–the case of Russia. 32nd Annual Meeting of the European Finance Organization. Moscow.

Sprout, Ron; & Melzig, Robyn. (2006). Monitoring country progress in Eastern Europe and Eurasia. USAID Working Paper Series on the Transition Countries No. 4.

Stepanova, Ekaterina. (2006). Essays on the effects of demographics on household consumption. Master's thesis / Doctoral dissertation, University of Washington.