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Stewart, Kitty; & Huerta, Carmen. (2006). Reinvesting in Children? Policies for the very young in South Eastern Europe and the CIS. Innocenti Working Papers No. inwopa06/35.

Stillman, Steven. (2006). Employment decisions during the first decade of transition in Russia. Applied Economics Quarterly, 52(2), 153-89.

Stillman, Steven. (2006). Health and nutrition in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union during the decade of transition: a review of the literature. Economics and Human Biology, 4(1), 104-46.

Svejnar, Jan. (2006). Strategies for growth: Central and Eastern Europe. 2006 Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City Economic Symposium. Jackson Hole, Wyoming.

Tapilina, Vera Sergeevna. (2006). How much do Russians drink: volume, dynamics and differentiation of alcohol consumption. Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniya, 32(2), 85-94.

Teplova, Tatyana. (2006). The Russian welfare state: moving towards neofamilialism? Master's thesis / Doctoral dissertation, Carleton University (Canada).

Thelen, Shawn Thomas; Ford, John B.; & Honeycutt, Earl D., Jr. (2006). The impact of regional affiliation on consumer perceptions of relationships among behavioral constructs. Journal of Business Research, 59(9), 965-73.

Thomas, Alban. (2006). Consistent estimation of binary choice panel data models with heterogeneous linear trends. Econometrics Journal, 9(2), 177-195.

Timperio, Anna; Ball, Kyle; Salmon, Jo; Roberts, Rebecca; Giles-Corti, Billie Giles; Simmons, Dianne; Baur, Louise A.; & Crawford, David. (2006). Personal, family, social, and environmental correlates of active commuting to school. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 30(1), 45-51.

Titterton, Mike. (2006). Social policy in a cold climate: health and social welfare in Russia. Social Policy & Administration, 40(1), 88-103.

Tompson, William. (2006). Healthcare reform in russia: problems and prospects. Economics Department Working Papers No. 538.

Transport, European Conference of Ministers of. (2006). Road safety performance: national peer review: Russian Federation. Paris: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

Trevitt, Jamie L. (2006). Declining Russian fertility. Master's thesis / Doctoral dissertation, Georgetown University.

Verbi , Miroslav; & Stanovnik, Tine. (2006). Analysis of subjective economic well-being in Slovenia. Eastern European Economics, 44(2), 60-70.

Vorobyov, Alexander Y.; & Zhukov, Stanislav V. (2006). The Russian way of adjustment: mechanisms of economic growth in 1999–2001 and patterns of poverty and income distribution. In Taylor, Lance (Ed.), External liberalization in Asia, post-socialist Europe, and Brazil (pp. 346). Oxford University Press.

Walker, Charles. (2006). Managing vocational education and the youth labour market in post-Soviet Russia. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 17(8), 1426-1440.

Dying too young. (2005). Washington, D.C.: World Bank: Europe and Central Asia Human Development Department Russia Country Management Unit.

Adair, Linda S.; & Popkin, Barry M. (2005). Are child eating patterns being transformed globally? Obesity, 13(7), 1281-1299.

Alsop, Ruth; & Heinsohn, Nina. (2005). Measuring empowerment in practice: structuring analysis and framing indicators. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 3510.

Andreeva, Elena. (2005). Mortality due to external causes of death in the Russian Federation: spatial aspects and explanatory models. Master's thesis / Doctoral dissertation, Berlin Technical University.