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[Analysis of Phytosterol Contents in Chinese Plant Food and Primary Estimation of Its Intake of People]

Han, Junhua; Yang, Yuexin; Feng, Meiyuan; & Wang, Guodong. (2007). [Analysis of Phytosterol Contents in Chinese Plant Food and Primary Estimation of Its Intake of People]. Wei Sheng Yan Jiu/Journal of Hygiene Research, 36(3), 301-5.

Han, Junhua; Yang, Yuexin; Feng, Meiyuan; & Wang, Guodong. (2007). [Analysis of Phytosterol Contents in Chinese Plant Food and Primary Estimation of Its Intake of People]. Wei Sheng Yan Jiu/Journal of Hygiene Research, 36(3), 301-5.

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OBJECTIVE: To analyze the phytosterol content in plant food commonly consumed in China, and to estimate the intake of phytosterols in Chinese people. METHODS: More than 160 types of plant food in 7 kinds were chosen as samples. The contents of beta-sitosterol, campesterol, stigmasterol, beta-sitostanol, campestanol were analyzed by GC methods and the total phytosterols were calculated. The intake of phytosteols in Chinese people was estimated using the data of "Survey on the Status of Nutrition and Health of the Chinese People" in 2002. RESULTS: The contents of phytosterols in edible oils, nuts, and soybeans were higher than those in other plant food. In cereals, phytosterol contents of wheat flour were much higher than those of rice, the refinements of cereals may decrease the phytosterol contents. The phytosterol contents in vegetables and fruits were lower. The total intake of phytosterols in Chinese people was estimated to be 322.41mg/day, in which 40% may be of edible oil origin and 40% may be of cereal origin. CONCLUSION: The results indicated that in the current dietary pattern, increase the intake of wheat, soybean, vegetable and fruit would enhance the phytosterol intake in Chinese.


Han, Junhua
Yang, Yuexin
Feng, Meiyuan
Wang, Guodong


Wei Sheng Yan Jiu/Journal of Hygiene Research





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