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The impact of inflation and unemployment on subjective personal and country evaluations

Gandelman, Néstor; & Hernández-Murillo, Rubén. (2009). The impact of inflation and unemployment on subjective personal and country evaluations. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, 91(3), 107-26.

Gandelman, Néstor; & Hernández-Murillo, Rubén. (2009). The impact of inflation and unemployment on subjective personal and country evaluations. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, 91(3), 107-26.

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The authors use data from the Gallup World Poll to analyze what determines individual assessments of past, present, and future personal and country well-being. These measures allow the analysis of two dimensions of happiness data not previously examined in the literature: the better-than-average effect and optimism.


Gandelman, Néstor
Hernández-Murillo, Rubén


Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review


