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Two decades of reforms. Appraisal of the financial reforms in the Russian public healthcare sector

Gordeev, Vladimir S.; Pavlova, Milena; & Groot, Wim. (2010). Two decades of reforms. Appraisal of the financial reforms in the Russian public healthcare sector. Health Policy, 102(2-3), 270-277.

Gordeev, Vladimir S.; Pavlova, Milena; & Groot, Wim. (2010). Two decades of reforms. Appraisal of the financial reforms in the Russian public healthcare sector. Health Policy, 102(2-3), 270-277.

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This paper reviews the empirical evidence on the outcomes of the financial reforms in the Russian public healthcare sector.

A systematic literature review identified 37 relevant publications that presented empirical evidence on changes in quality, equity, efficiency and sustainability in public healthcare provision due to the Russian public healthcare financial reforms.

Evidence suggests that there are substantial inter-regional inequalities across income groups both in terms of financing and access to public healthcare services. There are large efficiency differences between regions, along with inter-regional variations in payment and reimbursement mechanisms. Informal and quasi-formal payments deteriorate access to public healthcare services and undermine the overall financing sustainability. The public healthcare sector is still underfinanced, although the implementation of health insurance gave some premises for future increases of efficiency.

Overall, the available empirical data are not sufficient for an evidence-based evaluation of the reforms. More studies on the quality, equity, efficiency and sustainability impact of the reforms are needed. Future reforms should focus on the implementation of cost-efficiency and cost-control mechanisms; provide incentives for better allocation and distribution of resources; tackle problems in equity in access and financing; implement a system of quality controls; and stimulate healthy competition between insurance companies.


Gordeev, Vladimir S.
Pavlova, Milena
Groot, Wim


Health Policy




