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Differences in fertility behaviour among the farm, rural and urban populations in Slovenia

Cernic-Istenic, Majda. (2009). Differences in fertility behaviour among the farm, rural and urban populations in Slovenia. Eastern European Countryside, 15(1), 61-74.

Cernic-Istenic, Majda. (2009). Differences in fertility behaviour among the farm, rural and urban populations in Slovenia. Eastern European Countryside, 15(1), 61-74.

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Below replacement fertility in almost all European countries and lowest low fertility in a large part of the continent are significant demographic issues that concern contemporary policy makers and social scientists. Statistical data for Slovenia show that, with the exception of the farm population, all social groups have fertility levels that are below reproduction. This paper attempts to find out which factors are the most accountable for these differences and intends to contribute to broader scientific and public debates about the reasons for very low fertility in the ‘industrialized world’. The results of the analysis based on the survey "Generations and Gender Relationships on Slovenian Farms" (2007) indicate that differences in fertility behaviour among the farm and other parts of the Slovenian population are more related to the structural than cultural characteristics of the people.


Cernic-Istenic, Majda


Eastern European Countryside




