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Youth in the Northern Caucasus: from risk to opportunity

La Cava, Gloria; & Michael, Sarah. (2006). Youth in the Northern Caucasus: from risk to opportunity. Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development, Europe and Central Asia Region. Washington, DC,: IBRD/World Bank.

La Cava, Gloria; & Michael, Sarah. (2006). Youth in the Northern Caucasus: from risk to opportunity. Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development, Europe and Central Asia Region. Washington, DC,: IBRD/World Bank.

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This study, Youth in the Northern Caucasus: from risk to empowerment, examines the socioeconomic situation of young people in the North Caucasus and the Russian Federation as a whole. The North Caucasus is the most disadvantaged region of Russia, characterized by high poverty levels, a large youth population, high youth employment, poor educational preparation for the job market, and numerous security risks. This report builds on the positive experience of youth policy and programming in the country and recommends a comprehensive approach to youth inclusion and empowerment, including larger and better-targeted investments for youth. The study emphasizes the need to build capacity for youth programming at municipal and republic levels to effectively address the needs of young people. To address the interrelated educational, health and livelihood needs of young people in the North Caucasus and the Russian Federation as a whole, this report advocates a multidimensional youth policy, implemented through greater support to the school-to-work transition, non-formal education and youth participation in decision-making processes.


Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development, Europe and Central Asia Region

La Cava, Gloria
Michael, Sarah



IBRD/World Bank

Washington, DC,