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Gender differences in occupational mobility and segregation at the labor market

Maltseva, Inna. (2005). Gender differences in occupational mobility and segregation at the labor market. EERC Working Paper Series No. 05/11.

Maltseva, Inna. (2005). Gender differences in occupational mobility and segregation at the labor market. EERC Working Paper Series No. 05/11.

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This research analyses the influence of the differences in occupational mobility of men and women on gender segregation at the Russian labor market during 1985–2002. At the basis of the occupational mobility model which takes intoaccount the gender differences in social roles, we estimate the input that individual characteristics and parameters of current occupation, characteristics of the local labor market make into probability of occupational mobility of employees of the different genders and probability of choice between different "gender-dominated" occupations, as well. The results prove that segregation decrease through occupational mobility is possible depending on increasing competitiveness of women at the labor market and eliminating factors preventing their access to employment in the private sector. Positive returns to occupational mobility in terms of wage growth were discovered for both gender groups.


Maltseva, Inna


EERC Working Paper Series No. 05/11